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About RWA Tokens

Pages in this Section (RWA Tokens)
About RWA Tokens | What We Tokenize | How Does It Work | List of RWA Tokens | Where To Buy & Sell | Application Process | Eligibility Criteria

What are RWA Tokens?

"RWA Tokens" is a new type of crypto that represents real-world assets. We take a stake in real-world assets and place them on the blockchain in the form of tokens. Every token is backed by and pegged to the value of the underlying real-world asset.

An Example: Mercury RWA Token ($MER)

For instance, take Borderless.Fi's Mercury RWA Token ($MER). We took a stake in a company called Mercury Technologies, Inc., a fast growing fintech startup based in San Franciso. We held it in a special-purpose vehicle, and created a token called $MER that is linked to the stake in Mercury Technologies, Inc.

In short, $MER is a tokenized representation of preferred stock in Mercury Technologies, Inc. When you purchase a token of $MER, you hold a unit of the underlying real-world asset – in this case, preferred stock in Mercury Technologies. Inc.

Investors can buy $MER on a decentralized exchange anytime and anywhere. You do not need a broker; all you need is access to the internet, a wallet and USDT. $MER can be sold anytime too. Unlike traditional private assets that do not have a secondary market, investors can sell $MER on automated market makers that offer instant liquidity at <1% fees.

Lastly, $MER operates on a fractionalization ratio of 1:10,000, where each token represents a fraction of the underlying real-world asset. In this case, when you hold one token of $MER, you hold 1/10,000th of the preferred share of Mercury Technologies, Inc.

What Can You Do With RWA Tokens?

  • RWA Tokens provide investors with access to high-growth, blue-chip startups that are tradeable 24/7/365.
  • Each RWA Tokens represent a stake in a specific startup. When you buy RWA Tokens, you gain exposure to its underlying real-world asset (i.e. a startup).
  • To buy and sell RWA Tokens, you must be a Verified Investor. View our Eligibility Criteria, and Apply to Become a Verified Investor.

Where Can You Buy and Sell RWA Tokens?

RWA Tokens can be bought and sold on decentralized exchanges (DEX). Today, they are available on our Official DEX Partner, Balancer.Fi

Benefits for Investors

RWA Tokens represent a new way for investors to access private market opportunities such as venture capital. It is like investing in a startup as an angel, in a syndicate or via a venture capital fund – except without the high minimums, lock-up periods and high fees.

Accessible to everyone*

  • Before: Private markets including venture capital was only accessible for financial institutions and ultra-high net worth (UHNW)
  • Now: Everyone* can access high-growth startups (venture capital).

* To buy and sell RWA Tokens, you must meet our eligibility criteria and apply to become a Verified Investor.

Get started with lower minimums

  • Before: Most startups require check sizes of >$25,000 per investment. To build a diversified portfolio of 15-30 startups, an investor would require capital of $375,000-$750,000 to get started with startup investing.
  • After: There is no minimum amount. Each RWA Token is priced at less than $1.00 per token; and investors can get started with any amounts (e.g. $1,000 or $100,000).

Enter and exit anytime

  • Before: Investors have to wait and can only enter a position if the company raises capital and/or there is a block trade available. Once the investor holds a position, they have to wait and hold their position until the company goes public (initial public offering) or gets bought out by another company. This may take 7-10 years. During this time, there is no secondary market where the investor can sell to.
  • After: Verified Investors can enter and exit anytime by buying or selling RWA Tokens on the exchange.

Low Cost

  • Before: There are different costs depending on how the asset is purchased. For a venture capital fund, recurring management fees is ~2% per annum and carry is 20%.
  • After: One-time fees of less than 1% when you buy or sell the RWA Tokens. There are no recurring fees, or carry.

Safe and Secure

  • Before: Safe and secure; transactions are manually executed through standard contracting and banking systems.
  • After: Also safe and secure; transactions are processed and secured by the blockchain.

Token Capabilities

RWA Tokens offer new capabilities that will revolutionize finance. Borderless.Fi is at the forefront of this innovation, and has made RWA Tokens available for Verified Investors.

Global and Borderless

Decentralized exchanges operating on the blockchain can be access from anywhere; all you require is the internet.

T+0 Settlement

It takes <1 second (260ms) for tokens to be transferred in a blockchain layer 2 network such as Arbitrum. This is known in blockchain as 'Time to Finality'.

24/7/365 Trading

Decentralized exchanges on the blockchain operate around the clock – at night, on the weekends and public holidays. Transactions are processed automatically and do not rely on any humans.

Lost Cost

Trading fees on decentralized exchanges are ~0.3% of trade value and a fixed fee of ~$0.01 per trade (gas fee).


Tokens are dynamic and can have smart functions. For example, Borderless.Fi embedded data about the underlying real-world asset to the RWA Tokens themselves – financial information, legal contracts, asset details. When you buy the token, you automatically receive the corresponding data and files as they are embedded on the token itself.